Founder, Chairman, and CEO ofJunyuGroup Co-Founder ofBotanee Group
Recognized as a “Leading” Young Entrepreneur inShanghai’s“Thousand Sails Initiative”
Deputy to the Shanghai People’sCongress
ViceChairmanoftheShanghaiChangningDistrictFederationof Industry and Commerce
Practice Mentor at Cheung Kong Graduate SchoolofBusiness One ofthe Youngest Executives in China’s Listed Cosmetics
FormerHeadofWinona, aLeadingFunctionalSkincareBrand RecipientoftheHurunU40 YoungEntrepreneursAward
Honored as an “Outstanding Builder of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” in the Sixth ShanghaiSelection
Junzi Dong graduated from Fudan University, holding both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Management. He also earnedanEMBAfrom CEIBSandaDBAfromtheCheungKongGraduateSchoolofBusiness.
Dong is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO ofJunyu Group,andthe
Co-FounderofBotaneeGroup. AsanHRprofessionalturned
cross-disciplinary entrepreneur, Junzi Dong, an 80s-born entrepreneur, hasembarkedonhissecondentrepreneurialjourney.
Inhisfirstventure, asaCo-FounderofBotaneeGroup, Dongplayeda
key role in transforming the company into a leading publicly listed beauty enterprise in China within a few short years. Botanee’score brand,
Winona, has become a renowned skincare brand for sensitive skin, with Dongoverseeingthebrand’sonlinebusiness. Bythefirsthalfof2022, onlinechannelsaccountedfornearly 80% ofBotanee’stotalrevenue.
In March 2023, Dong initiated his second entrepreneurial endeavor by founding Junyu Group, an innovative brand management group focused on the beauty and health sectors, integrating investment, functional
skincare product development, production, and marketing. Dong has expressed a desire to concentrate more on developmental issuesin the future, as well as on investment, mergers, and acquisitions.Heaims to
devotesignificantenergytofoundationalresearchandtheconstructionof a scientific research ecosystem, hoping to assist like-minded young
entrepreneurs through continued investment and reflection in this field. Dong’smissionistohelprejuvenate “legacybrands” and “nichebrands” by leveraging the experience gained from building successful brands and organizational mechanisms over the past decade, coupled with strategies such as investment, mergers, acquisitions, and incubation.
Junyu Group’s mission is to provide consumers with high-quality, safe, healthy, and effective beauty and health products and services, helping
them to achieve confident, beautiful, and healthy lives. The company’s
vision is to become a leading beauty and health brand, driving innovation, diversity, and sustainable development, while creating greater value forsociety.
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